1. Do you buy issues of Life 1936-1972 for inventory?
A qualified yes. As you may be aware, replenishing our inventory of Life magazines is done by purchasing issues from private owners that have them in the attic, from estates, from the closet that has not been opened in years and from various other sources.
We only buy from individuals with at least 25 issues and then they must include a number of issues that we need to replenish our inventory.
Pricing is based on our cost of operations which includes storage space, internet advertising and labor all of which total more than the cost of the inventory. and the need for some profit. Generally, we will pay about $3 per issue in bulk of 25 or more.
We do not buy single issues!
We are not interested in issues with torn or loose covers, missing pages or defaced covers or that have suffered water damage and are stained and have aa heavy musky smell.
If you have a collection you would like us to consider, email service@ oldlife.net with a list of issue dates and their condition. We will respond promptly.